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Beauty is Art , we offer Ink Beauty Specialist Skin Procedures.
We offer Lip injections Nasal fold & Marionette line injections, Permanent hair removal and the infamous Collagen Lift Treatment™

Lip Filler Dermal Injections

Also known as a Lip Augmentation treatment, a series of injections are made inserting a measure of ‘cross linked Hyaluronic acid based filler’ in the appropriate areas of the lips tissue. This product is ‘hydrophilic’ which means it attracts and holds water, this results in the plumped reaction, and can be used to add volume and alter the shame of your lips. This also stimulates collagen creation in the area working to improve the condition of your skin.

This treatment is great for people who want to increase the volume of their lips and contour the shape.

The results are semi-permanent, lasting 6-12 months, though some clients may find the results last much longer, it depends how fast your body metabolises the product.

This treatment takes between 15 – 20 minutes to complete and numbing creams are used to make your treatment as comfortable as possible.

Dermal Fillers are known as a ‘medium-risk’ treatment, the products used are FDA approved and of a high quality.

Nasal Folds & Marionette Line Filler Procedure

A series of injections are made inserting a measure of ‘cross linked Hyaluronic acid based filler’ in the appropriate areas along the sides of the client’s mouth from the corners of the lips down towards the bottom of the face/ chin area, and for the nasal fold treatment, these are placed along the sides of the mouth from nose to corner of the mouth. This product is ‘hydrophilic’ which means it attracts and holds water, this results in the plumped reaction, and can be used to add volume and smooth the creases along the sides of your mouth. This also stimulates collagen creation in the area working to improve the condition of your skin.

This treatment is great for people who want to reduce the crease appearance along the sides of their mouth and contour the shape, creating a more youthful and fuller looking appearance.

The results are semi-permanent, lasting 6-12 months, though some clients may find the results last much longer, it depends how fast your body metabolizes the product.

This treatment takes between 15 – 20 minutes to complete and numbing creams are used to make your treatment as comfortable as possible.

Usual side effects

It is important to understand issues what can arise, Often clients have bruising, swelling after the appointment, these go down soon after the session. You could feel a little tired or dizzy after the procedure, a sugary drink can help.

Undesired results

Despite our best efforts, due to the subjective nature of the procedure you may not be happy with the style created by the Filler procedure, you could also experience scaring, asymmetry, migration of the injected filler, this is a semi-permanent so you could be unhappy with the look of your lips until the filler dissolves (average time 6-9 months)


Though this is a very rare reaction, its important to note you may be allergic to the Hyaluronic acid or Lidocaine, this would usually show within a few minutes of being injected or can develop gradually over a few hours, Mostly this can settle down and we ask you to take antihistamines but a severe reaction called, Anaphylaxis can occur, this would require emergency treatment.

Vascular Occlusion

Though your practitioner will take all available measures to prevent any issues occurring, a serious health concern called Vascular Occlusion could arise should the injected HA block an artery, this would cut off blood flow to the affected area and will quickly compromise the surrounding tissue.

Along side mitigating techniques adhered to through the procedure by your practitioner, we ask our clients to look our for the warning signs of Vascular Compromise and we also ask you to send pictures/ videos of your lips at 2 intervals after your session so we can further check for any warning signs. If this were to happen we would need to get you straight back to the clinic to dissolve the filler which would unblock the artery.