About Course
This fine line tattoo course is foundation training for artists who wish to learn black and grey fine line tattooing, in Libby Wells’ signature style.
This course Is suitable for artists wanting to enhance their skill set by adding Fine Line, Black and grey Tattooing to their repertoire, you will be expected to provide a high-quality portfolio demonstrating artistic abilities; this portfolio will need to pass a strict assessment process.
Fine line tattoo course Phases and Modules
Phase One: In-Depth Theory and Practice
12 Modules, Over 60 lessons delivered via the online portal, with assessments, tests, and exercises to complete.
Phase Two: In-Person Masterclasses
1-2-1 Workshops together with Libby Wells, to review and practice practical skills on live models over 3 days (these can be consecutive for overseas students traveling from further away, or spread over over a 3 month period, if this is your preference) , with final exams on each day, set with a pass/fail criteria.
Phase Three: Case Studies & Development
Case studies are completed by trainees in their workspace, all work is sent for review and feedback.
Completion is expected to take between 6 months – 1 year.
The content of this course has been created piece by piece over several years by Libby Wells, she has deconstructed her techniques and reconstructed these into a modular formula to offer a uniquely strategic approach to learning how to create fine line tattoos.
Libby believes in a holistic and detailed approach to learning, reflected in the wide array of topics covered, and in-depth theory supplied in this training programme.
The entry-level requirements for trainees
Minimum 5 GCSEs, A-C grades, including (Art GCSE)
Submission of a professional artist portfolio of 10 pieces minimum.
Students will be required to supply their own equipment and premises to operate, along with premises license, waste transfer note & insurance. Students will be required to complete all online study provided, all assignments need to be passed in order to proceed. Students will be required to attend in person masterclasses with Libby Wells. Students will be required to submit designated case studies.
What Will You Learn?
- You will learn all theory and practical skills needed to create high quality fine line tattoos. This course is for students who wish to become professional tattoo artists.
Course Content
Welcome to Foundation Fine Line Training
A welcome to your training plan
03:38 -
Shopping List A
00:00 -
Shopping List B
Health and Safety
The topics covered in this Module,
Equipment, Setting up, breaking down, Hygiene and Safeguarding.
Equipment Intro
06:25 -
Tattoo Equipment
13:43 -
Stencil Equipment
07:17 -
Equipment Quiz
05:21 -
05:53 -
Hygiene & Safeguarding Quiz
Setting Up
10:41 -
Breaking Down
07:26 -
Waste Removal
02:01 -
Waste Removal Quiz
Tattoo Theory
The Topics covered in this Module are
What is tattooing?, fine line FAQs and Protectionism.
What is Tattooing?
04:40 -
What is Tattooing Quiz
History of Tattooing
08:00 -
History of Tattooing Quiz
Fine Line FAQs
06:48 -
FAQs Quiz
Business Management
The Topics covered in this Module are Insurance, licencing, Booking in, Client Experience and Conflict avoidance, waste removal, premises options, building online presence.
License & Insurance
02:17 -
Booking In
04:23 -
Booking In Quiz
Terms and Conditions Examples
00:00 -
Client Experience
04:13 -
Reviews Assignment
Premises Options
02:06 -
Building Online Presence
Art Language, Artist study, finding textures, tattoo design intro, procreate and contouring
Art Language
03:50 -
Art Language Quiz
Drawing intro
02:00 -
Drawing Intro Quiz
Drawing Assignment
Artist Study
05:00 -
Artist Study Assignment
Tattoo Design intro
06:49 -
09:21 -
Assignment Procreate Designs
13:15 -
Finding Textures
05:14 -
Assignment Overlay Image
Sketching realism
The Topics covered in this Module are, hand stencilling and Digital Stencilling
Hand Stencilling
07:56 -
Digital Stencilling
20:57 -
Hand Stencil Assignment
Stencil Application Assignment
Digital Designs Assignment
Rose Stencil
The Topics covered in this Module are Skin tones, Difficult skin, skin healing, skin tones, difficult skin, aftercare and split session work.
Skin Anatomy
07:21 -
Skin Anatomy Quiz
Skin Healing
06:06 -
Skin Healing Quiz
Skin Tones
04:36 -
Skin Tones Quiz
Difficult Skin
06:11 -
Difficult Skin Quiz
Split Session Work
03:03 -
Split Session Work Quiz
Type & Tone
The topics covered in this Module are needles, machines, positioning your client, wrapping a machine, 3rl compare and printers
21:34 -
Needles Quiz
Liners Compared
06:24 -
03:44 -
Tattoo Machine Quiz
Ink Ratios
05:29 -
Ink Ratios Quiz
Positioning Your Client
07:04 -
Wrapping Your Machine
02:55 -
PDF machine set up
00:00 -
The Topics covered in this Module are, Etching, Etching pt2, Etching pt3, Stippling, Stippling pt2, Stippling pt3, Creating Depth, Seamless Transitions, Gradients, Stretching and Value choices.
Techniques we use
02:49 -
Techniques Quiz
11:15 -
Etching pt 2
15:15 -
Etching pt 3
05:43 -
Fake Skin Practice
01:35 -
Etching prep 300 lines- Assignment
Etching Assignment
04:16 -
Stippling pt 2
06:18 -
Stippling pt 3
08:11 -
Stippling Assignment
Creating Depth
05:51 -
Creating Depth Quiz
Depth Creating Assignment
17:26 -
Seamless Transitions
04:41 -
Seemless transitions Assignment
12:00 -
Stretching Quiz
Stretching Assignment
Value Choice
10:50 -
Value choice Assignment
Brush lines
The Topics covered in this Module are Client profiling, Body Language, Attitude and Pain management
02:45 -
Consultation Quiz
Client Profiling
07:58 -
Shadow work Assignment
Pain Management
10:11 -
Pain management Quiz
Create your own Disclaimer form
The Topics covered in the Module are Aftercare routine, Healed results, and Complications.
Aftercare Routine
09:17 -
Aftercare Quiz
Healed Results
03:00 -
05:36 -
Complications Quiz
Healed Work
Personal Management
The Topics covered in this Module are, Mental Health, Artist wear and tear, rival assault and Shadow Work.
Mental Health
08:14 -
Personal Appraisal
Trouble Shooting
The Topics covered in this Module are, Troubleshooting and what went wrong?
Trouble Shooting
02:37 -
What Went Wrong?
07:53 -
Medical Issues
06:51 -
Medical Issues Quiz
Key Learning Points
02:32 -
Demo Stencil cut out
02:00 -
Demo Stencil Reveal
01:00 -
Demo Part 1
30:00 -
Demo part 2
08:00 -
Demo part 3
80:00 -
Recap 3 main techniques
00:00 -
Final Assessments
02:00 -
Demo – Fake Skin – Assignment
Premises Plan – Assignment
Policies – Assignment
Phase 2
Introduction into the next phases of the Foundation Fine Line Tattooing course
Ready to meet?
Case Studies
10 x Case Studies Assignment
Action Exercise
Complete this lesson's activities before attending the in person workshops, you will need to bring the latex with you
Action Exercise
00:00 -
Stipple Shading Exercise
Brush Line
Etching Lines
Footage of tattooing
PMUni Live Demo Replay
00:00 -
Hummingbird Demo
00:00 -
Blue tit | full demo
00:00 -