We Also Have A Community Of 35,000 Members To Help You

Besides the Q&As, our team you can always reach out to ánd the database with 200+ questions, we also have a supportive community of like-minded horse owners from all over the world.
What’s so unique about this community is the willingness to help and support each other. Everybody cheers for each other and there is no judgement. 
What’s also a cool element of the Community, are the challenges. Every month you can enter a challenge to improve your skills and you can also win cool prizes along the way.
I explain more about the challenges in this video: 

Join Members From 65+ Countries

TRT has helped me SO MUCH in addressing the mental issues! I see that my horse is becoming already more open and curious and starts to learn to help himself.
Larissa von der Howen
TRT Member

Now Is The Time To Rewrite Your Horse's Story

Are You Ready?

Give your horse a life better than nature intended. He deserves it and so do you. Know that me and my team are here for you to help
Get started with the Reduce Tension Course and get all the tools you need for your horse to be relaxed and confident
And to make it even better, we have an amazing offer for you.

Get The Summer Offer!

This Is What You'll Get:

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$ 49
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